Friday, June 13, 2014

The politics of wildlife

We left the shore of Lake Hebgen, Montana, and drove up a dirt road toward a compound of buildings at the edge of a forest. A large log cabin, several outlying cabins and teepees and numerous vehicles occupied the clearing with a view of the lake.
We were there to spend a day with the Buffalo Field Campaign, a grassroots group of activists working to protect America’s last wild buffalo. We’d discovered the group years ago in Yellowstone and have supported them ever since.  The scent of soup wafted from the kitchen and a dog snoozed on a broken-down couch as introductions were made and we were given a tour of the premises.
Sleeping lofts were built into the rafters of the rooms to accommodate the volunteers who live here year round. A gear room held rows of heavy winter boots and jackets and other equipment needed for winter forays on skis. In the media cabin with its computers and phones, an art instructor from Manhattan worked on the graphics for the newsletter and a piece of paper taped to the wall noted recent media contacts: a German film crew, Nat Geo, a local TV station. We met Mike Mease, BFC’s affable co-founder, who told us about recent operations.
Unknown to most tourists who visit Yellowstone and snap photos of buffalo jams on the roads is the fact that the Yellowstone herd consists of the last remaining wild buffalo in the United States, a genetic remnant of the great herds that once darkened the plains and were all but extinct by the beginning of the 20th century. Also unknown to most is that in the winter, when the tourists are gone and buffalo migrate to their traditional grazing grounds outside park boundaries, they are slaughtered by the hundreds.
And in the spring, at the peak of calving season, the wandering herds are hazed back into the park by helicopter, ATV and riders on horseback, across busy road
s and through forests thick with fallen trees, in operations financed by citizens’ tax dollars. The reason, as with most issues in the U.S., is economic: the powerful cattle interests in Montana view bison as competition for grass, even though cattle and bison don’t even occupy land at the same time. Unable to survive the brutal winters, cattle are trucked out in the cold months and returned to the area in June, when buffalo have returned to graze within park boundaries.
The official excuse is brucellosis, a disease infecting much of the local wildlife, which causes cattle to abort their calves. The disease originated in cattle and there has never been a case of its transmission by buffalo. Elk frequently are infected, but they are free to wander, being a valuable hunting commodity.
Little more than a scare tactic, brucellosis was enough for ranchers to convince Montana to place the regulation of wild buffalo under the Department of Livestock, rather than wildlife. DOL continues the hazing, capture and killing, working by mutual agreement in concert with the National Park Service to contain these naturally migrating animals within the confines of the national park.
BFC volunteers – there have been over 5,000 since the group began in 1997 – monitor the buffalo year-round, videotaping hazing operations, informing the public and even coaxing errant animals back to the safety of the park, strapping on skis in the pre-dawn darkness of winter, when temperatures can plummet to -50. Their passion and dedication have drawn support from Patagonia and celebrities like Bob Barker, Bonnie Raitt and Jackson Browne, who have donated clothing, vehicles and computer equipment.
With dark clouds gathering overhead, five of us, including a newly-arrived volunteer from Santa Cruz, CA, went out on patrol, our driver adroitly steering the Subaru around deep ruts of Forest Service roads. We encountered a small herd of buffalo cows and calves who’d wandered back outside park boundaries and probably faced hazing the next day. The DOL had been free to round up buffalo on private land despite homeowners’ wishes, until the governor issued a directive this spring that prohibited such activity without permission.  (For more information, click here.)
We took a stack of BFC newsletters and spent the rest of our Yellowstone stay distributing them to fellow campers and visitors, doing our small part toward telling the tale of the buffalo.
Other iconic wildlife face an uncertain future. The grizzly population is up, and the Wyoming governor has prevailed on legislators to delist the bear from protected status.  Wolves were delisted by the federal government in 2011. Idaho, Montana and Wyoming all encourage the hunting of once-protected wolves who stray beyond park boundaries. Often they are the collared wolves that have been providing biologists insight into the ways of their clan. Hunt limits have increased.
 Indeed the glory days of the wolves, reintroduced to Yellowstone in 1995, are past, their population down 50% since the days when we first witnessed the famed Druid pack of Lamar Valley. Hunting, disease and decreasing prey are all at fault and ranchers play a highly vocal role.  Public lands that belong to us all provide cheap livestock feed for those who raise domestic animals. Economics takes priority over the creatures that call the wild lands home. We feel fortunate to be viewing these animals while we can.
Last of the Yellowstone photos:


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